
Rainbow Lotus
Get ready for July

one of the most eventful months of the year

July ushers in a time of change and unexpected events which will continue through the end of September. An intensity of energy is being fueled by 5 retrograde planets and the longest lasting eclipse of the 21st Century! So whatever you do this month, the inclination will be to “Go Big”. Schedule some times to relax and withdraw from the intensity of this month - your body and mind will thank you for it.

With 5 major planets going retrograde this month, make no mistake about it, things are being shaken up and about to change. Many governments around the world will be transformed, long held secrets will be revealed and long suppressed truths will see the light of day. This month we will not be bored! In reaction to the chaos inherent in times of change and fueled by a retrograde and out of bounds Mars,we may alternately experience anger, resentment and outrage. The antidote to it all is developing patience and self-discipline.

It is during the first 2 weeks of July when the energies may feel the most intense. This is the time when it will be very important to dial it down in all areas of your life, don’t do anything to excess, keep a low profile and take deep calming breathes…..meditate! The last 2 weeks is a time to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin to see where the potential for beneficial change lies within the chaos of the events we have just experienced.

And then …. on July 27th…. we will experience a total lunar eclipse - the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. You may remember that I have explained the astrological /spiritual perspective for eclipses as portends of change. This eclipse is no different, it also conjuncts retrograde Mars making it even more dynamic. We will not be able to see the eclipse here in the states but it will be visible to viewers across the UK, weather permitting.

The path of correct action for this month lies in the ability to take some time and develop a clear idea of what beneficial changes you want to create in your life. Then, amidst the chaos of change being experienced (whether on a personal or public level) be patient and wait for the right opportunity to act to make your goals manifest. The impulse, because of all the intense energy around us in July, is to become reactive which will not help us cull the best from these times - which is to transform intensity into beneficial action.


THURSDAY NIGHTS on Zoom 7- 8:30PM $10 per class
learn exercises & meditations designed to revitalize, restore, calm and strengthen your body and mind.

contact me for more information or to sign up

Sebastopol, Ca, [joycmetcalfe@aol.com], [joymetcalfe.com]