July Newsletter


make the most of this time of change

Medicine Buddha Empowerment

Healer of Outer and Inner Illness

August 17th and 18th

in Sebastopol, Ca

taught by Jane Ward

Head Teacher of the Brentwood Buddhist Community

Essex, England

  • Receive an abhiseka to empower your practice

  • Learn the Mantra, Mudra and meditation to facilitate healing yourself and others

    $450 for the week-end

For more info or to register email me


July 2nd at 12:16 am PST, we will have a solar eclipse and as I have said before, eclipses are portends of change. The astrology and energy of this eclipse will cast it's effect through out the next 6 months.

Whether this is a cause for celebration or concern always depends on the positions of the other planets and how they aspect and relate to each other and to your personal chart - and of course with what YOU choose to do with the energy of the times.

This July eclipse is considered one of the peak events of this year and is conjunct Rahu - the lunar node dealing with present actions or karma. Eclipses are always based on the nodes of the moon but how they are affected by them and which node is in ascendancy plays a big part in their general effect on the planet - and us. Each node is in a sign for 18 months and so it takes 18 1/2 years for them to go thru all the signs of the zodiac.

The last time Rahu was in the sign of this eclipse was 2001 - so a good way to have a general sense of how this eclipse may affect you would be to review what was going on in your life 18 years ago.

Mercury goes retrograde on July 7th - just to keep things interesting - and joins Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter in their retrograde actions. This is a perfect time to go with in and to review your life and to then make changes that are beneficial to you.

There is a Karmic sense to what is going on now and for the next 6 months - which means it is a great time to learn some life lessons.

The best way to approach the coming 6 months is to view your present experiences as the result of causes and conditions that YOU set into motion in the past. The opportunity is for you to recognize, review and resolve the situations those thoughts, words and actions created and then to consciously create a new and better way of being in the world .

During the next few months, many people around you may get easily triggered so it's a good time to work on your being the voice of reason skills. Try to stay in a beneficial and flexible frame of mind - and remember the only constant in this physical reality is change.

So use the rest of 2019 well - see it as a wonderful opportunity to work on yourself - to create beneficial change - and to learn to respond to situations in life and not just react.