December Newsletter

A Gift of Grace

IT’S DECEMBER - the last month of the year - and what a wild year it has been.

This year should go on the books as one heck of a wild ride filled with shocks and surprises.

It’s no surprise either because in 2018, every planet in our solar system - except of course for the sun - went retrograde. When a planet goes retrograde in the course of it’s orbit, it appears to be going backwards from our position on Earth. As it does, it tends to intensify the more challenging aspects of consciousness that the planet represents . The opportunity is to be able to see what isn’t working in the areas of that consciousness, to learn the lessons involved and to grow in wisdom from the experiences.

However it is often hard to work out the lessons involved in a present situation when we are being pelted with them and are using every bit of our attention to avoid direct hits. And that was what 2018 brought us - from every direction too. All the planets, at virtually the same time, were pelting us with opportunities for growth. Of course we were also given moments containing “Gifts of Grace” because every lesson contains a present hidden with in it. You just have to find out how to access it.

Now we have entered the final month of the year - and another “Gift of Grace” is being presented to us. Presently, we are between the new moon of December 6th and the full moon of December 22. Mercury has stopped it’s retrograde movement and is moving forward into aspect with Jupiter the planet of luck, benevolence and increase as Jupiter enters the sign of Sagittarius - the sign it holds dominium over - making it’s effects even stronger. THIS my friends, is a great time to break out of your box and to experience moments of clarity and inspiration.

But first, in order to make best use of this energy - you must prepare…..

Use this time to go with in and to review,recognize and resolve any mis-steps made this past year - and in the past as well. Look for ways to make a fresh start, turn over a new leaf, or start a new project. Question old habits, behaviors and beliefs and search for new and inventive ways to make progress. Discover the truth of how you are presently positioned in your world and then decide if you like the direction you are headed in. You have a wonderful opportunity RIGHT NOW to make sweeping changes to old and stuck dysfunctional patterns.

Take some time and focus and ensure you use this energy to make right and wise choices so you can be your best self.


Nov 15th till Jan 3rd

Get a 20 minute Reading or Reiki for $40

Gift certificates are available


The Next Reiki Clinic Program

Begins January 2019

This 18-month program, meets once a month and is designed to give you all the tools you need to fully develop your Reiki Attunements on Body, Mind and Spiritual levels.

Discover how to fully support and create, health and well being for yourself and others.

Learn how to remove the blockages that prevent you from living your truth and become a realized healer!

Contact me for more information or to sign up


JOIN ME in my ongoing Replenishment program


7- 8:30PM

$10 per class

Learn exercises & meditations designed to revitalize, restore, calm and strengthen your body and mind.

Contact me for more information or to sign up