December Solstice Newsletter

The Full Moon and Solstice

DECEMBER's full moon and Solstice have combined to create a boost of creative energy for us to make use of. It is the perfect time to finish projects and prepare for the festivities to come.

However it bears noticing that the full moon is in the 0 degree point of Cancer which is a very intense position. In Vedic astrology it is called Gadanta - which is the junction points in the zodiac that are particularly associated with soul growth. Being in Cancer it highlights home and family and nurturing and the emotions we associate with them, so the coming holidays are an opportunity for us to grow as a soul in these ways.

In short, the work for all of us starting now and especially during the coming holidays is to maintain emotional balance by letting go of emotions that do not serve us while developing the ones that do.

Don't forget -The Holiday Special ends January 3rd


Nov 15th till Jan 3rd

Get a 20 minute Reading or Reiki for $40

Gift certificates are available


The Next Reiki Clinic Program

Begins January 2019

This 18-month program, meets once a month and is designed to give you all the tools you need to fully develop your Reiki Attunements on Body, Mind and Spiritual levels.

Discover how to fully support and create, health and well being for yourself and others.

Learn how to remove the blockages that prevent you from living your truth and become a realized healer!

Contact me for more information or to sign up


JOIN ME in my ongoing Replenishment program


7- 8:30PM

$10 per class

Learn exercises & meditations designed to revitalize, restore, calm and strengthen your body and mind.

Contact me for more information or to sign up